Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Themes of the Final Debate

Tomorrow night is the last of the Presidential Debates, the OLM will tell you is McCain's "Last Chance" to shift the polls, I of course disagree with their premise. While it is the final debate, if the coverage of the other debates are any indication it will be out of the News cycle by Thursday afternoon, Thursday morning if John McCain really gives it to Barack Obama.

I'm predicting that during the 'pre-game' discussions, the talking heads will say that this debate is Critical for John McCain but it won't matter because it's either too late or because the first debate was the most important. That is just wishful thinking on their part. Let's face it, McCain has about ten different topics he can bury Barack Obama regardless of the question. The question is will he?

I'm handing out unsolicited advice to Sen. McCain, Relax and pay absolutely no attention to what the moderator asks you. The questions will be stacked to play to Obama's strength, so while it may please the pundants when you stick to the script they've written, Americans don't care what they think, they care what you think. So just go to town. Look him in the eye and say "I don't think you're ready to lead, Hillary doesn't trust you, You're own Running Mate said you are unqualified, so why should America trust you?

That would be hot! However the minute he does it, the OLM will say he is speaking down to Obama, thus McCain is being Racist or Erratic depending on which surrogate rushes to the microphone first. Which reminds me, turn off your TV immediately after the debate. You don't have to be told what you just watched. (Feel free however to come onto this site, for my witty insight! ) Don't expect anyone in the media to ever declare McCain the winner of the debate, the best you will hear is that it was a Tie. Generally speaking that's how I know my candidate won the debate. If the Media calls it a Tie, the Republican won. When the hacks at Newsweek said McCain won the last debate, they were quick to add, "but it didn't matter." So why do we have debates if it doesn't matter who wins?

Instead of putting together a specific list for this debate, this time my study guide is focused on themes. Please feel free to refer back to the Original Debate Study Guide think of this as 'supplemental material'. I've got some definitions courtesy of dictionary.com for you to keep in mind as you watch the two candidates discuss their Economic plans for the future of our country.

an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, esp. as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth

a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.

procedure or practice in accordance with this theory.

(in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.

A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members.
A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people.
The Marxist-Leninist version of Communist doctrine that advocates the overthrow of capitalism by the revolution of the proletariat.

This is what this election comes down to do you support Capitalism or are you interested in Socialism? Please note that the definition of Socialism is the 'transitional' phase between Capitalism and Communism. So while many in the left would prefer to act like we're being irrational for calling Obama and his ilk Socialists, He himself said today, when challenged by a plumber in Ohio, he believes in 'spreading the wealth' around. In other words 'Redistribution of Wealth" a basic socialist principle by it's modern father Karl Marx. Note to Liberals: When we call his ideas Marxist, it's because they are in fact Marxist ideas. Just for the record, Joe, the Plumber recognized it as what it was, "punishment for success" and he doesn't appreciate it.

One of the keystones of developing a true socialist society and ultimately a communist society, is having one Political Power having control of government as is stated in the definitions above. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have already discussed coming back after the election and passing legislation that would increase welfare benefits in preparation for the Coronation of Obama. Can it be long before we revoke term limits on Presidents?

Harry Reid and Steny Hoyer have said they will immediately vote to ban offshore drilling. Hoyer calls it a "priority". So when Senator Obama tries to look at America with a straight face and say he will cut government spending and supports off shore drilling, know that he is lying through his teeth. The Democrats are as John McCain said "already measuring the curtains" and They are figuring out how You can pay for them. Can you imagine what else they are planning if God forbid they were to have control over both houses of Congress and the White House. It will make the Carter years, seem like the gilded age.

McCain's Economic plan is based in practical principles. He has developed a plan that can ease tension in the current market while not destroying future market growth. Tax cuts and growth incentives, they work every time.

Barack Obama's plan by his own admission is about taking some of your pie and giving it to someone else who doesn't have as much pie. But it's my pie!! I bought the ingredients (via student loans, no grants here), made the pie, and baked it myself. I don't want to share my pie, with someone who didn't want to drive to the grocery store!

Obama's alliances with socialists are just part of the picture. It's not that they will influence him in office, Obama doesn't need influenced, He already shares their view. That's why they were drawn to each other in the first place. His socialist agenda reaches way beyond the economy, into his views on education, the environment and the role of the church. McCain should point out all the lies the Obama campaign has promoted over the last two weeks.

This debate is an opportunity for John McCain to outline the differences between his idea of a free America and Obama's idea of an over taxed, government controlled America. It's really just that simple. You don't need an Ivy league education to know that if you punish those that succeed their is no incentive for achievement. Again I am reminded that Americans don't read as much as they should. Ayn Rand wrote Atlas Shrugged as a warning about the Socialist movement in the 1957. She creates a world divided by Producers and Looters, the former being those that worked, and the later were those that just lived off the work of others. Ultimately the Producers tired of taking care of the looters and quit working in Revolt, as the world turned into mass poverty and destruction, the Producers sneak away and start their own Society free of Looters. I'm with the Producers.

McCain understand the basic principles of a complex economy, he just needs to say it in a way that everyday Americans will understand. If I were him, I'd just use Obama's own words against him. That should do it. When CNN's Lou Dobbs ran a story on Obama and the plumber, he asked viewers to vote on if they agreed with "sharing the wealth", even with a demographic of 75% democrat, almost 60% disagreed with Obama. Take that for what it's worth, but Americans aren't stupid. Even with the media raving about Obama non-stop for almost two years, and with his campaign outspending McCain's in some cases 10-1, the race is still dead even going into the final debate.

Watch for McCain to make a move in this debate, he has shown himself to be a shrewd politician over the years, and it's possible he realized in this world of high speed news cycles that it was best to save the closing narrative for the last debate. That's all this event really comes down to for McCain, it's a chance to start the conversation not to finish it. He just needs to get those Americans that don't watch Fox News to Stop and Think if only for a moment. After that he's got 19 days to fill them in on the details.

Don't Believe the Hype: Virginia is McCain Country

I don't care what the Media is telling you, Virginia is still McCain Country. With supporters filling two Rallies with over 50,000 people today. McCain and Palin made an appearance in Virginia Beach this morning filling a venue with about 25,000 people. When Sarah arrived in Richmond this afternoon, she was Welcomed by the largest crowd I've ever seen at anything other than a Rock Concert. According to WRVA, there were around 30,000 people at the event. So don't tell me Virginia is just ready to roll over and turn Blue.

While no one can predict what will actually happen on election day, in talking with the good citizens of Virginia, they are motivated to get out the Vote for McCain/Palin. I met a wonderful couple that had driven in from Stanton to see Sarah Speak, they come from a highly democratic area in Virginia. They explained how they were working on their family, through similar tactics that I have used myself. People get all crazy the first time you try to introduce Fox News into their media mix. Usually protesting saying Fox is too biased for the Right, of course these are the same people that watch CNN and apparently never feel the need to question anything they hear...any way I digress.

I learned from my new friends that they too had called their Family and Friends on Sunday after Lou Dobbs did a story on CNN showing that Obama lied about his affiliation with ACORN and that in fact Obama's campaign paid ACORN $800,000 to register people to Vote. What does that say when we are literally waiting for CNN to catch up to a story Fox News had been covering for a week, so we can share it with our media brainwashed friends? It means we are vigilant. It means we will even watch CNN for glimmers of truth so as to present our case to those not already committed to voting for the McCain/Palin ticket. Watching CNN for McCain? Now I know the Base is behind him.

The enormous crowd at the Richmond Rally, filled the stands of the make shift arena then overflowed into all the surrounding parking lots. I wasn't able to spend all day waiting in line, so I stood near the back as the Speeches started. The crowd stood silent as Jerry Kilgore lead the group in prayer. As I stood with my head bowed it occurred to me, do they pray at Obama Rallies? I'm thinking they would have to keep up appearances, but wouldn't that "offend" many of their supporters? We then did something that I know Obama hates, we pledged the American Flag.

After a few welcoming remarks, former Governor and current Senate candidate Jim Gilmore took over at the podium. Gilmore highlighted the differences between him and his opponent known tax hiker Mark Warner. Gilmore reduced the Car tax while he was in office, but Warner brought it along with the deficit right back to Virginia. Gilmore stood strong that all voters have the Right to a private Ballot, referring to the Union measure to move to have open ballots, thus opening the door for bullying for votes. Somehow the Democrats are backing the Unions not the Union members on this issues. Why would a Union member want an open vote? Unions and intimidation go hand in hand, giving them an open ballot is a bit like giving them a loaded gun. Note to Union Members: Don't vote Democrat, they don't respect your Right to Vote.

When the McCain Tour Bus pulled up the crowd was straining to catch a glimpse of Sarah, the person we'd all come to see. As she took the Stage she was welcomed with chants of "Sarah! Sarah! Sarah!" She is even tinier and if possible more attractive in person than she appears on TV. It's no wonder she makes those 'feminists' crazy. She is just as Intelligent and Strong as she is beautiful and they've spent their whole lives trying to convince themselves and others that Ugly girls are the smart ones.

Sarah had a surprise for the Richmond Crowd, Hank Williams Jr. joined her on the bus from Virginia Beach! He lead the singing of the National Anthem before going into a McCain/Palin version of his classic hit 'Family Tradition'. You can listen to my new favorite song here. Hank in his Redskins Jersey had everyone clapping and singing along before handing the mike back over to Governor Palin.

As Sarah spoke the crowd was so large that some near me chanted for more volume, because we were so far away from the speakers, causing her to think there were protesters in the group. It took a minute for organizers to rectify the problem but soon we could hear Sarah's every word, even in the cheap seats. It was at this point you realized that they had no idea how many people were going to turn out for this event, maybe they've been listening to the 'Obama Loving Media' a little too much as well.

Sarah talked about her belief in a strong America hitting on all the major campaign issues, while charming everyone within the sound of her voice. She impressively worked the crowd, instinctively knowing when to pause to allow for response. Her remarks were short but powerful, making the case that in a McCain/Palin administration Taxes will be kept low, Government spending will be cut and our Military will remain strong. She touched briefly on McCain's plan to use $300B of that Bailout package to help Americans work out mortgages that have gotten out of control . When she spoke about supporting the Military including both she and McCain's sons, the crowd erupted in "USA, USA, USA", I bet you don't hear that at the blame America first rallies held by Obama's supporters. Say what you want about Republicans, we own Patriotism.

When Sarah finished speaking applause filled the air. It was an uplifting experience for those of us that believe in Real Americans, not what the media would want you to believe. I was curious to see how the event was covered by local press. Not surprisingly I heard two inaccurate statements in two broadcasts, on One local affiliate they discussed the 'interruption by protesters" which as I explained earlier were supporters trying to hear over the gigantic crowds. Another affiliate said the Republican crowd estimation was around 25,000, but the reporter thought "that might be a little high" giving a snide look for effect. I have no idea how many people were there, because I am terrible at estimating those kind of things, my official estimation was "more people than I'd ever seen at a Rally in my life". Whatever the actual attendance numbers were, somewhere between 25,000 and 35,000 depending on whose counting, Virginians showed up in Record numbers to let the World know, Virginia is still a Red State.